“The world “through” glass: glass art and glass technology”
As supplier and experts of glass melting technology, we have to do our part in supporting and promoting the use of glass packaging into our lifestyle.
Few weeks ago, our Technical Director Francesco Prosperi hold the conference ” The world “through” glass: glass art and glass technology” hosted by Lions International Club of Florence.
Starting from the first archeological evidence of glass which has a long history of 5000 years, he described glass manufacturing process, the technology of melting furnace ,the different types of furnaces and how they works.
In conclusion, he pointed out how glass changed the world like no other material: glass has plenty of applications because it is an immensely versatile, virtually inert material and it is used every day in numerous applications, many that most of us are not even aware of.
In addition, glass is already Europe’s most recycled food and beverage packaging material: according to records published by the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE), the average collection for recycling rate for glass packaging grew to the record rate of 76% in 2017 for EU28.
For those who want read the full article in italian, click here https://lions108la.it/magazine/il-mondo-attraverso-il-vetro-dallarte-allalta-tecnologia/